A Photo and its Story

Hello everyone, today I will talk about a photo where I appear with my brother (Camilo) and the son of my cousin, his name is Agustin Ignacio Droguett Castro (who is like my other brother), he is 3 years old and was born on August 8, 2015. Is the most smallest in the family so we all love him. I was the first person to know that the girlfriend of my cousin was pregnant with Agustin, they announced it at Christmas and it was a big surprise for everyone. This photo was captured in the summer of 2018 (in my house), I remember that Agustin had chickenpox and was very restless because itched his whole body, my brother and I take care of him all day, so at the end of the day my mom captured this beautiful photo. They are the most important people in my life. 




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