My best holidays

                       Algarrobo, Valparaíso

My best vacation was this year, in February. I went to Algarrobo, in Valparaíso with my mom, my dad, my cousin, my brother and his best friend. We also took our dog, it was the first trip with her so she made it even more special. We went for 4 days. 

The place where we stayed had a huge pool and ping-pong tables. The first night we went to visit El Quisco since there is a lot of crafts there and my mother likes that very much.The second day we went to visit the beach, but curiously we did not swim in it, my cousin and my brother got on the banano while the best friend and I saw them because we were afraid to climp on since we did not know to swim. 

At night we stayed watching Stefan Kramer's routine at the Viña del Mar festival. The dog (her name is Aurora) warned when she wanted to go to the bathroom, so we had to take her down to the patio and I remember that my brother never took her hahaha. No day we went out to eat at a restaurant since my dad cooked (he cooks really well) to save a little money. Algarrobo is approximately 4 hours from Auquinco, so it was quite a long trip, we left at 6 in the morning and arrived in Algarrobo at 10:30, I remember that in the car we were tight because in the back we were 4 people haha It really was a very nice trip and I hope it will be repeated again.


  1. I think you need to learn to swim so you do not miss those opportunities hahaha Algarrobo is quite nice and from there you can go out to meet other beaches, good that you went with Aurora, she is adorable

  2. What a nice trip! How adorable that you took Aurora with you so she could enjoy her vacation too! Quite interesting that your father cooked, all of you must had been delighted with his food.

  3. Wow, i love Stefan Kramer ajjajaaj good! i hope you can go again, bring me a bracalet handmade please jajaja I love crafts,!

  4. I go to Algarrobo every year and it's wonderful. One of the best things of this place is the sea, where you can swim calmy because the waves are soft.

  5. Your holidays was really good, according to what you say on your blog. I also had the opportunity to know ""Algarrobo" it is magnificent, very nice and beautiful place. I hope to return someday.

  6. Last year I went to Algarrobo with my Friends and it was so fun. I love the fact that you took your dog with you, pets are an incredible company.


  7. I love Algarrobo! My best vacations were also in this place. And El Quisco is also a very entertaining place to go to meet, especially because of the games on the beach


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